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Question: How can I make Part 4 better!?
Perfect Love IV

"Regan," the voice of my creator,
emitting only misconstrued
affection and promising
love, only to deny it!.
"I see you, my child,
zealous and upright, 'til now,
inside torn, longing for love!. It is
not within you to love!. That is a
gift I have denied you!."

"Denied!" I shout!. "You make me watch them,
evincing their promises when I know,
surely know, death takes them all!.
That is love, hope in the face of tragedy!.
I am denied this, why!?
Not for my crimes, but my creation!?
You, hear me for the first time!
Salvation should be my choice as well!"

"LIFE IS IN MY HANDS!" He thunders!.
"Even they," I say, "lesser creatures, create!.
Since when did creation equal love!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
So now we approach clarity even more!. My religious tradition teaches us that there is one Creator!. However, each of us individually must create our own image of the Creator!. Know then that this is no dialogue, it is an internal monologue!. Therefore, you (and Regan) have the power to change this discussion!. Once this is understood, the undertone of a victim's self pity will vanish!. My Creator, whom I believe may be totally indifferent to me, gave me what I need to survive!. That includes the ability to love and to be loved!.
You might need to change this discussion!. You may not have created a complete image of your Creator!. The Creator is not limited by the limitations of those created!. In fact, Salvation not only "should be" your choice, it really is!. And so this wonderfully written internal dialogue creates in me compassion and annoyance!.!.!.!.and a great deal of interest!.

P!.S!. I remember King Lear had a daughter named Regan!. I thought it was a woman's name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the dynamic here between Regan and his "creator"; the arguement is intense and full of thought provoking statements, especially in the final line!. We learn so much about the nature of Regan in this poem!. He is so intelligent and also beautiful, but torn and conflicted!. I am astonished, as usual, when i remember these are acrostic, as they are so well written and involving!. But the acrostic is very enlightening!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a fascinating section of your work -- I'd love to see more rather than just this!.

However, this is powerful!.

This stanza is awesome:

"Denied!" I shout!. "You make me watch them,
evincing their promises when I know,
surely know, death takes them all!.
That is love, hope in the face of tragedy!.
I am denied this, why!?
Not for my crimes, but my creation!?
You, hear me for the first time!
Salvation should be my choice as well!"

This line
"Even they," I say, "lesser creatures, create!.
should they be then!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

discovering the knowledge of anything is salvation!.!.!.
and Regan is discovering!.

and creating things consciously or subconsciously
always comes from a type of love!.!.

i have a hard time with creators thundering out a lesson!.!.
'im the boss your not' is no lesson!.!.
but this series is unfolding and it is very interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stunning, especially the last question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am curious to what this all really means!.!.!. I am sure i will understand better bye-and-bye!Www@QuestionHome@Com