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Position:Home>Poetry> Does anyone have a really good love poem?

Question: Does anyone have a really good love poem!?
looking for the best love poems!. Something thats not really muchy muchy, something sad and touching!. Not happy love,sad love!. Given this kind of peom, I know only a few people will understand it, and even less will have experienced it!. But I'm looking for the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
‘Don’t press me’, he said as they walked down the lane
Sensing the onset of the familiar hip pain!.
‘Don’t press me’, he grunted through the tightening joint
For a walk with her he now saw little point!.
Struggling to maintain a reasonable gait
And some semblance of order with his mate,
Jack gritted his teeth forging slowly ahead!.
When others rushed by he yearned for his bed!.
Bright images flashed through his old brain
Of sunshine and shade, despite the pain,
When full of laughter and strength galore
He’d don light clothes and rush out the door!.
Wave to neighbours as he crossed the road,
Not having to worry by today’s heavy load,
Stand in the queue before boarding the bus
And enjoy the ride to town without any fuss!.
There his vision of beauty he would meet,
Kiss and hold hands walking the street
Window shopping as they made their way
To the cinema, to queue again, before they pay!.
Jack stops the pain in his hip too severe!.
She holds his hand, into his eyes do peer!.
‘Sit down, dear, and we’ll rest for a while!.
We’ll leave the field because of the stile’!.
He looked at her through tear filled eyes
The love and devotion there was no surprise!.
To him he still saw his vision of beauty,
Knew her attention was more than just duty!.
The pain having eased they made their way back
Home where, seated in his favourite chair, Jack
Accepted the cup of tea his wife had brought!.
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day, he thought!.

Nils Ford

Maybe this will suit you, it's one of mine!. If you like it do please email me!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An Almost Made Up Poem by Charles Bukowski
Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe
a clown's smirk in the skull of a baboon by ee cummings
