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Question: Do you like my sestina!?
Inspired by this question, this is my first attempt at a Sestina
Sestina: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Sestina

Have you heard about the Son of glory!?
Have you experienced His awe and wonder!?
Do you know the reason why he is Holy!?
Why above all, he is so much higher!?
Do you want to experience His goodness!?
Then feel the touch of His amazing love

This is not just a story, it’s Gods love
How His Son Jesus came down from glory
Rejected, yet still he shared his goodness
With the demonstration of His wonder
So we can all be taken up higher
And one day we shall see that he’s Holy

Did you know the angels call him Holy
And that in heaven there is only love!?
This is why we need to just aim Higher
For one day, we shall behold his glory
And as sons and daughters share his wonder
Being partakers of all his goodness

There is no other that can show goodness
And no other that is truly holy
If you are confused it is no wonder
If you continue to reject His love
What else will you give all of the glory
On the promise they will take you higher!?

Above the Almighty there is no higher
Who will always give mercy and goodness
Which will cover you in all His glory
And reveal why the Angels say “Holy”
Transforming you with the power of love
The Lord Jesus is an awesome wonder

Through creation He has shown His wonder
By the cross He has taken us higher
By example He has taught us to love
Reminding us all to share His goodness
Changing our lives to that which Holy
Bringing the Father down in His Glory

It is His Glory that makes me wonder
Why be so Holy and take me higher!?
It is His Goodness, and why God is LoveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is marvelous, Gideon!. It should be made part of a church service!. Ask your priest or pastor if you can read it at a special service!. I am amazed at how quickly you learned how to do this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you Gideon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This Is very beautiful!. I know and believe that there Is an after life!. My brother died In 2000, and my mother died In January!.
I just feel that they are waiting for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That was excellent!

You made sure you had good spelling & capitalization!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, that is so powerful! Great job, really, I LOVE it!Www@QuestionHome@Com