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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you ever find inspiration in odd places?

Question: Do you ever find inspiration in odd places!?
-Too Late To Grow-

Pushing my way up,
the vines and branches clot my way
from the air that I must breathe
to live, to love, another day!.
I try to breach the brim
but it seems to be avoiding me!.
The leaves of grey hold me down
as I struggle to be rid of them,
against the currant of the storm
of forest dark and torn
as light diminished hole expands…
A cavern un-climbable and undeniable
Demanding that I pay it rights
as it begins to bind me tight!.
I am a servant to this fight
because I am so unreliable!.

Talk about strange source of inspiration… this is a serious poem, not to be bound to the reason for its creation, which is… I was late for work this morning for the 4th time this week… Do you ever find inspiration in odd places!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A currant is a fruit often used to make preserves, were you in a traffic jam!?

Actually the image for me was being stuck in a sewer!. It produced a good deal of anxiety!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should stop being late to work!. That is the thing that gets you fired!. Of course, I'm sure that you have awful reasons, late night fun and illicit activities that I would probably slap you for!. Alas, when the cat is away!.!.!. Never you mind, this is a beautiful poem, except one thing!. I doubt you have fruity storms!. The correct word is "current"!. Aside from that, good punctuation and spelling and as always, beautiful thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is a very good poem! I have been writing all my life and I am very creative and imaginative and inspiration sometimes comes without warning no matter where I am!. If I were you I would make sure to be on time to work otherwise you may find that your boss will give you all the time you need to write by letting you go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow i wish i could get some inspiration like this' but maybe one day!.Your poem is as lovely and full of passion as they always are so great and wonderful!. They really open my mind and It brings me to open my eyes and ears in life and see what i can see and feel in my heart and soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but in a different way!. I took a shrimp tail washed and dried it and it is becoming party of a body for a mermaid doll:) I am inspired by the samara and use it as wings for faries and other winged creatures!. You are inspired by words while I am inspired by it's visions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can just creep up on you!. I get alot of inspiration just sitting on the train, walking through the city even sittin there watchin the telly!. Its weird that random things can really take you back and make you think!.!.!.!.

oh, very deep poem by the way!.!.!.!.!.I sense alot of pain!.

Hope that you find happiness todayWww@QuestionHome@Com

OMG yes!!! Once I saw this cracked out wench with fiery red hair in a greyhound station sitting on the floor!. It was the most hauntingly beautiful image I've ever seen!. After I got home, I painted this gorgeous painting (abstract non-objective) inspired by the sight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find inspiration everywhere, most of them others might consider odd!. Life is inspiration in all it's forms!.
Thanks for sharing your work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

all the freaking time i am alwas sometimes i will just think of something and i get an idea for a whole series of booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

i do u see i get da-ja-voo and i`n phciscac and lots of other stuff and that happens 2 me ever 1 2days thats how i became a fashion desiner!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes!.!.!.under my blankets in bed!.!.i woke up one morning and the light shining through my duvet made beautiful clouds of different purples!.!.i painted it on my wall!.!.it looks awesomeWww@QuestionHome@Com


inspiration!.!.i once had this fat GF!. i dumped her and shes the reason i don't date fat girls anymore!.!.!.is that inspiration!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES !.!.ALL THE TIMEWww@QuestionHome@Com

I often find inspiration on airplanes - I've never known quite why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why yes!.
In my toilet bowl!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya it happens 2 me sumtimesWww@QuestionHome@Com

That's so cool, I haven't been inspired in a long time!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ICE T thank u a foo!Www@QuestionHome@Com

With all the tribulations, it sounds like you were stuck on the freeway!.

I get inspiration from many sources, sometimes from uninspirational things!. It was Cinco De Mayo 1982, the Mexican Independence Day, and I went for a stroll along the edge of the pacific ocean, and as I walked I wrote a poem!. It was as long as a novel, for every step I took I added a word or two!. I actually forgot it as fast as I was composing it, but years later I saw a picture that reminded me of that day, and the following is what I came up with!.

Fifth of May

I started out to see the world,
It was the fifth of May!.
I wondered if I'd see it all,
And make it in a day!.

I took a walk along the shore,
The sea was to my right!.
The smell and sound filled up my head,
Enhancing such a sight!.

The waves were crashing on the shore,
A sound like dynamite!.
Water droplets flying by,
Like tiny birds in flight

The spray was flying in the air,
Unfurling as a sail!.
Shooting to the left and right,
Just like a serpent's tail!.

As I walked on the great sea calmed,
I found a tiny beach!.
It seemed a long way down to it,
T'was almost out of reach!.

But down I climbed, and stood alone,
Upon the packed wet sand!.
And marvelled at the workmanship,
Of Mother Nature's hand!.

Then I sat down upon the sand,
My toes were in the sea!.
I scratched my name upon the beach,
For all the world to see!.

I wondered if I was the first,
To reach this lovely spot!.
The only asnwer that I found,
Said, "Oh, I reckon not"!.

As I got up to go again,
Upon my lonely lark!.
A wave then washed my name away,
And left there ne'er a mark!.

As I climbed up I turned around,
Would I come back this way!?
To see this little strip of sand!.
I found that fifth of May!.Www@QuestionHome@Com