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Position:Home>Poetry> If I went to another planet, which would you suggest?

Question: If I went to another planet, which would you suggest!?
Planetary decisiveness Undecided-

I don’t know why but from my youth
I have wanted so to travel far!.
My parents said that to be a sleuth
I should not play on my guitar!.
I gave it up and made my way
in school and band and English class
but maybe I will go someday
to another bulk of big, round mass!.
Here on earth is fine and all
but to the stars I wish to fly,
to soar on-high to big dirt balls
in a balloon I just might try!.
But to which I do not yet know
and that is why I ask of YOU…
Could one more smart attempt to show
this country boy just what to do!?

In other words, what planet should I go to!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
JPL has designated Mars!.!.!.you wouldn't go against the government, would you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nice poem :-)

You should really look into visiting our ancestor alien friends in the star system Sirius or the Plaedeis!.

Niribu will be on its way, soon to be seen by all (The second sun) in 2010!.

Right now, you will have to go to the southern hemisphere to view it!.

For those who do not know, Niribu is home of the Annunaki, in other words Planet X!.

Personally I would go to the Pladeis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

clever little poem! i love it, lol!.!.!.!.

if you wish to go beyond the stars
might i suggest you go to mars
but a balloon!? that is no trusty steed
a rocket ship is what you need
but if a country boy you say you are
who gave up playing his guitar
perhaps you might simply ride a cow
for i hear one has jumped over the moon!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pluto!. The aliens from Pluto are the friendliest, the most laid back, and the easiest to get under mind control!. They all look like women, but they`re not!. That confused me at first!. And some of the things they call food are edible!. Even if they do give off a weird blue glow when cooked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the planet called "Zumukuks"

But, don't tell it to no one cos' there's a cat with horns there on the mountain and anyone who saw that cat instantly die on the spot ; but, no one have seen that cat!.


Where they let you play your nice guitars
If you play then you see stars
No time for riding big Balloons
Where we all act like poetic buffoons!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hear Rouxe out
Hear him shout
He need to be let out
If to some grand trip you go
then to Mars you otta know
is the place to be, no doubt!Www@QuestionHome@Com


Sounds like you've been to Mars!?Www@QuestionHome@Com
