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Question: Alcoholism poem!?
i need to write a poem about alcoholism

for a teen girl that drinks every morning because she is addicted and loves the feeling
not because she is depressed

anybody have any poems for inspirations, or any ideas!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could write an Ode to !. !. !. (insert your favorite libation)!. I think that the irony of your subject matter calls for a limerick though!.

Start with something like:

I like the taste of liquor


I seek the little green fairy
Her company makes me merry

To find out about the "little green fairy" watch the movie "Moulin Rouge" with Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman!. :)

-OR maybe something else-

Liquid lover languishing on my lips
I taste your soul
In your forbidden kiss
A warmth that grips
The heart you stole
As I chase my blissWww@QuestionHome@Com

please put down the beer
you are too young for your liver
to get diseased nowWww@QuestionHome@Com