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Position:Home>Poetry> How can the study of mythology and poetry reduce persecution of others?

Question: How can the study of mythology and poetry reduce persecution of others!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A culture's history is stored in mythology and poetry!. So are the stories of their woes and triumphs!. Studying these things can help one culture to understand the meanings and core beliefs of another-this leads to a new level of understanding, and helps one culture see simliarities to their own!. Thus in stopping seeing the ''other'' as enemy, will reduce persecution of the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure they are relevant when we consider things like, The Golden Rule and The Brotherhood Of Man Being Founded On The Fatherhood Of God are ignored!.

AS for Mythology; The study of human religion is the examination of the fossil-bearing social strata of past ages!. The mores of the anthropomorphic gods are a truthful reflection of the morals of the men who first conceived such deities!. Ancient religions and mythology faithfully portray the beliefs and traditions of peoples long since lost in obscurity!. These olden cult practices persist alongside newer economic customs and social evolutions and, of course, appear grossly inconsistent!. Poetry is another subject however!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It might help people understand the artistry and/or inspiration of some of the things that you might write!. It won't necessarily solve the problem of persecution!.!.!. it might help, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can't, that's just what people in the humanities tell themselves to justify their pointless work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com