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Position:Home>Poetry> I need a Poem with about 14-20 lines about being clumsy, like falling triping an

Question: I need a Poem with about 14-20 lines about being clumsy, like falling triping and bumping into people!. Help!?!?!?
For A prep class I need to recite a poem by memory!. I need 14 lines - 20 lines it needs to rhyme too, possibly!. So!.!. Can you help me by giving me a poem to remeber with Poet as well!. Otherwise I can say Annyonomus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hey, read your question and wrote you a poem!. you can use it if you want!. my name is pronounced gar-it!. feel free to use it!. if you do email me and tell me how the people you said it to liked it!. thanks and good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I bumped into a guy!.!.!. he was high on acid;
that night; it was stranger than the average!.
I saw him!.!.!. looking confused and skipping;
He smiled; and told me about his tripping!.

I said, "you seemed too balanced, really!?"
He said "buddy, you're kind! have a Philly"
Then he remembered he was only!.!.!. pilly!.
I laughed at him; he said he was feeling silly!.

He leant forward!.!.!. grabbed his stomach;
He warned me of an evil eskimo coming!.
Puking!.!.!. "then he said it was an exorcism";
He told me a yellow polar bear was with him!.

I saw him a week later; in a better condition, though!.
He had a court date!.!.!. he was on his way to Mexico!.Www@QuestionHome@Com