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Position:Home>Poetry> Could you read my poem?

Question: Could you read my poem!?
i wrote this a couple of days ago just wondering your guys thoughts

The Man in the Mist
By:Garhett Marr

I slipped up again
Another ink blot on the list
Blots so common on the hearts of men
So common for me, the man in the mist

Lost in the mist
Found in the mist
Misplaced I think not
I made the blot

But I know I’m not alone
Many have got tangled in the mass
So confusing to some
So clear to others

Each time I’m saved I fall back in
But each time I don’t fall so far
Eventually I’ll win
The man in the mist no longerWww@QuestionHome@Com

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i like it, its okWww@QuestionHome@Com