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Question: Poems!? 10 easy points!!?
Can any1 write a poem about love starting with what is!?
EX: What is a teacher!?
a friend and companion
a sharer of knowledge
fun to be with
judge and arbiter
a planner and designer
a warm, sympathetic listener
a person worth knowing
That's a teacher!

It can actually b about anything, hurry! thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What is love, exactly!?
Something we stride to find!?
Something that is only in happily ever after!?
Or is it
something creeping up from behind
slowly, getting us at our most vunerable moment,
and instead of destroying us, it wraps its arms around us!?
Something that could completly destory our lives
but instead, changes it!?
Yes, love is giving someone the power to destroy us
But instead of using it, they give it back!.
That, my friend,
is love!.

Sorry if its not too good, I made it up as I went :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is a sister!?
a best friend
a holder of knowledge
a partner through life
an adventure buddy
a listner
That's a sister!Www@QuestionHome@Com