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Question: Is this a Dialogue Poem!? Does it represent good teaching!?
A Memory of First Grade
by Elaine P

Teacher: “Now, children, trace the capital A!. Then you can draw a picture underneath!.”
Pupil: (Traces the A once and then draws a picture)!.
Teacher: “I told you to trace the A!. Why are you drawing a stupid picture!?”
Pupil: “I already traced the A!.”
Teacher: “I didn’t tell you to stop!.”
Pupil: “But I already know how to write an A!. I can write the whole alphabet!.”
Teacher: “Don’t smart mouth me, you little baby!.”
Pupil: (Beginning to cry): “I’m not a baby!.”
Teacher: “Get your stuff, you’re going back to kindergarten, you crybaby!.”
Class in chorus: “Elaine’s gone back to kindergarten!. Elaine’s a little crybaby!.”
Teacher: “I’m calling your mother, you little crybaby!. Now get out of here!.”
Pupil: “I’m not a baby!.”

Later that afternoon:
Mother: “My daughter can read the newspaper Get her back in class before I call the cops!.”
Teacher: “Okay, but tell her not to be such a crybaby!.”
Pupil: “Mommy, am I a crybaby!?”
Mother: “No, but if I had her for a teacher, I would cry too!.”
Teacher: “Come on, dear, let’s go back to class!.”Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ugh what an awful teacher!. I had a teacher that hated boys!. She used to do flash card drills (multiplication and division)!. One student would move to another student's desk!. They both would stand at attention while she held up a flash card!. The first to yell out the correct answer would move to the next desk the loser would sit down!. There were three girls that routinely dominated this activity!. She would lecture the losers (but mostly she directed her comments at the boys--about how they just weren't as good, and how they likely never would be as good)!.

Then I transfered in!. My parents had me reading and doing simple math long before I went to school--and we had done our own drills!. So, I went through her drill without a hitch!. She got so frustrated that she said my yelling out of the answers was distracting my opponents!. She told me I would have to start with my back facing her, and then turn around to look and guess!. It was hurting her theory on the general worthlessness of boys who would soon become--men!.

I've had excellent teachers--but some people should chose professions more suitable to their personalities: Perhaps volunteering time at the animal shelter putting pets to sleep!.

Your poem brought back memories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved your true life poem and i know That must of been the worse day ever and i am glad your mom was their to be their and explain that it's the teacher not you!.When i was in 4th grade our teacher used to make kids wear dunce hats on when you could not answer her questions right!.I told my mom but she was drunk and just went back to sleep!.!.!. Look at what a lovely and caring lady you became ' no thanks to her the wicked witch of elementary school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She's really mean! Owh you poor thing!.!.!. (the little Elaine i mean!)
My memory that was evoked upon reading this poem is that when i was in the first grade, i couldn't answer her question of how to spell a "wallet"!. So she made me stand on the chair until the lesson ends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Elaine; I wish I had enough words, I guess this is why God gave us the ability to "Cry"!.

My life changed dramatically because of one teacher, so I know how much it hurts!. Thank you for sharing I might share my story one day!.

Twice today you have inspired me!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a teacher, I was horrified by this teacher's demeanor and lack of concern for the student's feeling!. If it's a true reflection on an incident, that teacher should be fired immediately!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mr!. Bernard pinned Leslie Lovesee's homework to the wall and made Leslie stand next to it while each kid walked up and laughed at the paper!. It was a mess of scribbles in three colors of ink!. I didn't laugh!. I felt bad for Leslie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My goodness! This turned my stomach!. And it happend at such a young, impressionable age!. Off with her head! But you have the ultimate revenge - talent and a giving personality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

“No, but if I had her for a teacher, I would cry too!.”

Job 36:22Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is horrible! It's amazing to me that people who choose a career path in educating our youth would have such a horrible, demeaning personality!. I agree with Marguerite!.!.!.your talent is your ultimate revenge!Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry but isnt that describing a home schooled child with a parent with multiple personalities!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If this is a true event, then it is a sad statement about the teacher's qualifications to teach!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best revenge is to do well!.Congratulations you have done well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds to me like a teacher needed firing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds to me that the teacher is a *****!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know anything about dialogue poems but it seems more like prose to meWww@QuestionHome@Com

I`m giving you an "A+"and a shiny STAR!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do believe this story, in not a rare one in any given time!.
But paramount to any child's memory, I have a few of me, and many of others, in each and every era lived or read about!.
I once read a book titled, "Growing Strong At Broken Places"
This subject was the theme of the book!. One story was of a
little boy who was directed to color with only certain colors,
until he gets a teacher differ, He sits and waits, she asks him
why he doesn't start, he tells her he's waiting for her to tell him
what colors to use, The boy is awed of course, as she precedes to open his mind to his own vision!. The whole of the book is a lovely read of joy!. Darn, can't recall the author,
A woman teacher, that I do recall!.Www@QuestionHome@Com