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Position:Home>Poetry> My poem titled "we made it!"?

Question: My poem titled "we made it!"!?
Our graduation
This liberation

Tickets to a new life
Ill take it without despite

With the old and new friends
We will make amends

The clicks and the snaps
Of us in our gowns and caps

The congratulations
And the celebrations

Say goodbye to the past
Even though it was a blast

Say hello to now
And take a bow

“How about a round of applause, a standing ovation”

To the class of o’eight!
We will dominate!

sound good!? yay or nay!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
short and simple but overall it tells the story of graduation and the rhyming is goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

definitely yay! It's good :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yay! fab!

btw!.!.!.!.'class o' eight'!.!.!.!.!.only!?!!? :OWww@QuestionHome@Com