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Position:Home>Poetry> Would you like an Acrostic Rondeau for mid-afternoon tea?

Question: Would you like an Acrostic Rondeau for mid-afternoon tea!?

Remembering when I could fly,
Exceptions were the reason why
Anytime was fit for a dance,
Controlled now by those looks askance!.
How and when did my childhood die!?

Stay here and wait for me to cry!.
Tears come so rare, my eyes are dry,
Although impaled on time's bright lance,
Remembering when!.

Memories are the greatest lie,
Inside, out, no hope for the sky!.
Reaching out across time and chance,
Ripping outside my shrouded trance,
Open anew, allowed to try!.!.!.
Remembering when!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Flippen' 'eck, Evadne- this must get you top prize for perseverence and inventiveness!. I will not try and emulate you!.!.!.!.!.I'm on my hols in Greece (but, then I'm sure you already know that)
Well, done indeed!.
(ripping aside my shrouded trance) perhaps!?
This is so relevant to me!.!.!.!.life is such fun!.!.!.!.but, clouded just slightly by the knowledge that I have far less time to go than I would like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The great sage, Satchel Paige, advised, "Don't look back, somebody might be gaining on you!." As I rest my arthritic bones upon the bed, and peruse this verse through presbyopic eyes, I know who it is that's gaining on me!. So what if I can no longer fly, or dance, or even walk sometimes! Life is sweet, life is fascinating, life is more fun now than ever before!. And what freed me to be able to feel this way was a major coronary occlusion which ripped away a third of my heart!. And now I live in the present, with my eyes on the future, and the past is a graveyard that I do not wish to visit!. By the way, did I mention that this - for me - is one of your best ever!?


Yes I would and I did!. Like it, that is!. Those first two lines really spoke to me!. Lately I've been thinking of exceptions why not to fly!. Wind's too strong, weather's too unsettled!. A lot of that can be attributed to losing some of the inner child, the voice that goes "who cares what happens, let's just do it!." Good poem!. Reach Star Mirror!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

grandma said her skin was wrinkly
and she said her bones were old
but she always added
'at least i dont have wrinkly bones'

!.!.lol!. remembering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An acrostic which flowed and then put the rondeau on top and make it work is a feat that deserves applause!. Applause! My compliments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't get the "reach star mirror" thing but i like it
it makes me feel anti-nostalgic!.!.!.memories in the corner of my mind!.!.why the hell won't you go away!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've got the rhyme, the form and the imagery!. Now, I'd work a bit on the meter!. Great context!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pour me a cup pleaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Huh!.!.!.we had a brainwave thing going!. The one I just wrote has some of this in it!. Funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com