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Position:Home>Poetry> Who wants to recommend some political poets?

Question: Who wants to recommend some political poets!?
I'd prefer something more modern, but I wouldn't mind something older that remains culturally relevant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Amiri Baraka


also, there is a great site called "Poets Against War"


Here's one I penned last week!. Feel free to use if you like!.

Political Gain!?

Please forgive me my friends
I am red, white and blue like you
and like you, chasing the American Dream
riches, fame, adoration…the politician’s way!.

And NO, I never had sex with that woman
but the mission was accomplished…
I did land on the aircraft carrier after all!
As to the 90k in my freezer, I have no idea!.
How about if I just send you more pork!?

My war chest is full, my rich pension is set!.
So you think you scare me with “im” in front of peach!?
Bring it on my friends…let’s party on the courthouse steps!.
And when we’re done, well…I still have my 60 foot yacht!

The politician’s way…!.Ain’t America Great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check out this website for mainly English speaking poets:




How liberally are you using the term "politically!?" There are a lot of poets who appeared on Def Poetry Jam that I dig:


I hate poetry, but I think this is one of the greatest slam poetry speeches ever given!.!.!.

A poet can be anything and anyone!
Immortal Technique
will really give you some inside look!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Does their work need to have been in English originally!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wole Soyinka
from Nigeria, i think!?
i've read one called After the DelugeWww@QuestionHome@Com