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Position:Home>Poetry> A Monday poem before I go see my shrink. New meds or is this ok.?

Question: A Monday poem before I go see my shrink!. New meds or is this ok!.!?
"can't breathe"

Walls around me
getting much to close!.
I can't breathe
or exorcise my mind!.
Signs surround me
saying it's all over!.
At least I'll die
by my own hand!.
Go, before it
gets too late!.
When there is
nothing left at all,
Maybe you will
finally understand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I understand!. Sometimes it just feels like you are being smothered, and you don't want to struggle to breath anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't do it! Go on to your doctor!. I don't see it as a new medium of writing!. I see it as you are asking for help!. You are tired of dealing with things!. Hope I am wrong!. However your poem is disturbing!. You are a strong man to have come through so much!. It also takes more strength to not have sympathy for yourself!. "Be strong in the Lord and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD!." Stop thinking these thoughts in your mind!. Biblical Paul was a great sinner before he completely gave his life to Christ!. Then he said, he was a new man and had wronged no one!. God forgave his wrongful deeds!. Stop looking at what is wrong and what you don't have, and start believing that all things are possible!. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things!. Start saying every day, "I have the favor of God!. I make good decisions!. I am going to rise to new heights!." Soon you will have a new image within, an image of victory, an image of success!. Cast down all those ideas that come against you!. You said you were forgiven!. Then surely you know from where these thoughts are coming!. Don't linger on bad thoughts!. Make them surrender the moment they come!. Blessings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

New meds, definately!. I am going to send you a beautifully broken reversed hexx curious cure-all but it will have to be sent via cerulean seas and through ethereal mists!. It is REAL, however!. It is something small, odd-shaped but vaguely familiar, and VERY purplish blue!.!.!.!.no, not one of my eyeballs, they don't ship well!. Let me know if you find it, you'll know when you see it!.

I AM serious!. If you believe a thing can be real, and powerful, and wonderful, it can manifest itself!.

Now cheer up because things suck so badly that it is completely hilarious! I command you!! LOL

Sorry, I need to practice aggression and dominance!. Oops I am not supposed to be sorry, am I!? Sorry- there I go again!.

Oh well!. I guess I will just stay aggressively submissive!.!.!.prrrrrWww@QuestionHome@Com

poetry is a way of expressing ones felling and no mater what any one says just because your writing is dark dose not mean that you should go to a shrink it just means thats what you were felling like at that time
love the poem by the wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

you need new meds ok i'm sorryand i'm not being a bi@*$
its just that you should want a happy life sinc you are getting married isn't that what u said you need helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Your poem is very disturbing!. Speak with your Psychologist/Psychiatrist about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your not alone,, its a great poem with respectable depth!. !.!.!.I do understand!. I hope I always will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

stop look listen !.!.!.!.!.dont give up and dont give in !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com