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Position:Home>Poetry> You think my story will suck?

Question: You think my story will suck!?
i've just started so there aren't much events yet!. :D i just need to know if you think it promises to be cheesy, boring or dumb!.

Jeffrey takes me by hand and we rushed into the hut in the middle of the forest!. Inside, it was dark and quiet!. And all I can hear is the sound of my panting until violent knocks tap on the wooden door!. I hold my breath and open my eyes!.

It’s a cold Sunday, 7:00 am!. My little brothers Rye and Harley won’t quit “summoning” me from my door!. I swing it open and their little faces hit the floor!. “Will you stop doing that!?” I yell at them as they get up and do their morning ritual of “restraining” me!. And by that, I mean clinging onto my legs like big koalas with their buggy eyes!. “Stop doing what!?” “Yeah, stop doing what!?” they attack me again!. Every morning, I’m greeted by the same stupid look they wear on their faces looking up at me!. And the first course of my breakfast is the same stupid questions that come one after the other like a crazy pop quiz!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your story sounds very interesting and dramatically!. Will you narrate the story or have conversation!? My opinion would be that conversation would bring out more excitement!. It has promise to be cheesy, not boring or dumb!. The suspense is good!. I am supposing somehow through the story you will reveal why you are in the forest and must rush into the hut!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounding good so far!.
u have me intrigued, what comes next!?
i want to hear more, if u can, why dont u post an overview aswell!?!
goodluck, i am writting too! !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

So far as good as any but leave out the parentheses around the "joke words" because we get the idea that summoning is not a command from the little ones your character takes seriously!.