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Position:Home>Poetry> How to say poem in french?

Question: How to say poem in french!?
im thinking of a title of a poem book i made and was wondering how to say poem book, or my poem book in frenchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
poetry book: "livre de poésie"
book of poems: "livre de poèmes"
my poem book: "mon poème livre"
my book of poems: "mon livre de poèmes"
my book of poetry: "mon livre de poésie"

poetry is "poesie"
poem is "poeme"
poems is "poemes"
book is "livre"

hope that's what you were looking forWww@QuestionHome@Com

Mon Poème (My Poem)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My poem is ma poesie

Or you could use something more original like, Little words which is petits motsWww@QuestionHome@Com