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Position:Home>Poetry> Is this a Euwaitian Converb?

Question: Is this a Euwaitian Converb!?
I spoke
to my students
on the stage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Is the converb the fact that we don't know if you are on the stage or the students or that we don't know what stage!? A platform stage, or a stage-coach!? Or did you speak to them about the stage!.!.!.ie going into the theatre as a career!.

A simple statement with multiple meanings!.!.!.!.I've forgotten TD's original posting on this, and I'm too busy to check it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I must ask, were the students on the stage or was the you on the stage!? Or did you speak on the stage but never were actually on it!? Like a ventriloquist! Convrbgancey is a thing I know nothing about so I really do not know why I am answering this!.

Good day missWww@QuestionHome@Com

You would have to ask the Euwaite, but I do believe that this could qualify, although it seems more a grammatical controversy than the other!. However, I am not the judge, and I found it exceedingly converbial!. Congratulations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I knew a mute who picked up a wheel and spoke!. If, when you are on the stage and the director gives you some advice, are you stagecoached!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure!. We need the doctor of poetry to know for sure!. How about - I spoke to my students with laryngitis!?Www@QuestionHome@Com