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Question: Hey! I'm 14 and love writing- comment!?
Reach for your goals,
your dreams!.
Set your standards,
as high as they may seem!.
Your aspiration is waiting,
catch it now!.
Go as far as you can,
your mind will show you how!.
Don't give up,
run until you fall!.
Your road of life awaits,
be sure to give it your all!.
Believe in yourself,
no matter what you encounter on your way!.
Put your best foot forward,
every single day!.
Your path awaits,
but it's up to you to steer your course!.
Know what you can accomplish,
only you have that force!.
Reach !. !. !.
until you have accomplished,
completed your life long goal!.
You've truly reached your dream;
your role!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A few things, first of all, to be 14 and have a desire to write poetry is commendable!.!.!.really!. Your poem is "okay", but here are a few things to keep in mind:

1!. Avoid cliche expressions, such as "best foot forward"!. Why!? because although they are familiar, actually, "because" they are so familiar, they are considered "worn out" and "cliche"!. Yes, I understand that they say more than the sum of their words, but it's your job to come up with new images that express the same idea in a different way or from a new perspective!.!.!.otherwise, why bother!? Poetry is not "cut and paste", and although I know you understand that, anytime you use a cliche, it's how it comes off!.

2!. Don't feel the need to rhyme!. Rhymed poetry is beautiful, it's memorable, and most of the most famous poems in the world are rhymed poems!.!.!.but creating "good" rhymed verse takes years of practice!. Yes, it isn't difficult to find words that rhyme, but good rhymed poetry sounds so natural that you often don't really notice the rhyme because the words used seem like the only words that would have fit!.!.!.and that's a sign of "good" rhymed poetry!.!.!.only it looks easier than it really is!.!.!.which is why so many people write in open verse: they feel that rhymed poetry is too restrictive and they want their poems to say "exactly" what they mean, not something close to what they wanted to say just because it rhymed!. So, until you hone your ear a bit more, keep it simple, crisp, and if you still feel the need to rhyme, try ending the poem in a rhymed couplet!.!.!.having a rhyme at the end of an open or free verse poem draws attention to the lines "because" they differ from the rest of the poem!.

The good news is that you have a feel for the flexible nature of poetry!. Your uneven line lengths show that you are not afraid of trying different phrasing techniques, and that is good!. What you need to work on now is the internal rhythm of each line!. Say each line out loud and hear how it rolls, or doesn't roll, off your tongue!. Does it sound "funny" or "contrived"!? Is there a way to change the words or their order to make it read better!? Do you really need "that" many words to say what you need to say, or can you do it with fewer words!? Have you taken away the need for imagination by providing too much detail, or have you cornered an idea to the point where there is no flexibility in its interpretation!.!.!.is that what you wanted to do, or do you want just the opposite!. These are all things you want to keep in mind!. Poetry should be deliberate, and each line should contain only those words needed to create the image, idea, concept, etc!. that you wish to impart to the poem, and thus to the reader!.

Again, good draft, it shows promise!.!.!.keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

It seems to me your rhyming lines are off a bit!. And I am not sure which lines you are trying to rhyme!. Not wanting to change your poem, I will only suggest a few lines like this for third line rhyming!. These are only suggestions!. Your writing is good!. Anyone who has a desire to write needs to begin with a good poetry teaching book!. Sometimes the books are difficult to understand, but you can get the basics and go from there!.

Reach for your goals,
your dreams!.
Set your standards high!.

Your aspiration is waiting,
catch it now!.
You may learn to fly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very nice poem, keep writing them and that is pretty good for a 14 year old to be writing, plus not alot of kids your age is not interesting in poems and stuff!. Keep writing them very nice and good job, put a smile on my face!. God BlessWww@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it!. Nice Job!:)Www@QuestionHome@Com