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Position:Home>Poetry> Ugandan child soldier poem?

Question: Ugandan child soldier poem!?
You complain about homework
They don’t have school
You want new clothes
They have nothing new

You complain about being cold
They don’t have sweaters
You sleep under covers
They sleep in the weather

Nightly they travel
While you sleep sound
They flee to the bus stations
You lay your head down

Fleeing at night
Shot at by day
Abduction is a fright
But know your way

Child soldiers are coming
We need to be concerned
You seem to be spoiled
While their lives a blur

its not finished!.!.!. just a rough draft i just learned about the Ugandan child soldiers so i thought id write something on it!.!.!.

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That's really good!. I would rate it an 8!.Www@QuestionHome@Com