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Position:Home>Poetry> What are some sounds that clouds make?

Question: What are some sounds that clouds make!?
i need them for a poem!.!.!.!. so far all i have is "whoosh" :] and i'm talking about when they blow past!. the sounds don't have to be real sounds just what you THINK they would make!. THANKS!! =]]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Swiftly falling puffs, roll tangled, overhead the morning dew!. What do you think!? I know you were looking for more of a noise but truly description can be music!. It will paint a picture into your readers and sustain their curiosity!. For, they can come up with the noise by " watching" your poem!. Though, if you are very much set into the noises of the cloud how about these:
Bounced, blustery, boom, banking crinkle!?
I hope i helped, good luck on your poem!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmmm!.!.!.I've never been that high up, so I don't know!.

How about tinkle, burble, flowing, warming, cooling, for the fountain
popping, roaring, screeching, screaming for the rocket
snoring, zzzz, snort, dreaming, for the child sleeping

You could also just draw pretty flowers, stars, etc!. around your cloud in place of the squiggles if you can't find enough words!.
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

boom crack! ckssshhh!! as in a thunder storm!. =] hope i helped?Www@QuestionHome@Com