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Position:Home>Poetry> Just want a view on this poem, i dont expect you to understand it lol but just w

Question: Just want a view on this poem, i dont expect you to understand it lol but just want your view on how it sounds
Moving On!.

Ancient livid vision!.
As the origin of my spirit enflames my essence!.
The candle of my youth begins to render!.
The pearl from my eyes deliver their first sparkle,
the frame of my harbor begins to discard its rafts
as the tint of my shell begins to shine!.

As I prepare to stabilize,
I water my feelers and suffocate my childhood!.
I look back at the thick stream of moral smoke,
slowly rising and fading before me!.
I reach out to a fair span and embrace - The smell of my past!.

Fear, loss, upset!.
I lift my hand from the handle and close my eyes!.
The three essential compounds of my well being;
friendship, way of life, familiar surroundings - wiped away that very moment!.

A stranger in your own skin!.
As if I’d been left astray - In a different country, unable to understand their language!.
Put into a rooWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is really an outstanding work of art!.I read it and did understand it very well' and your words for this were so vivid in your poetry as it intertwined with the story of your life and how it begain ' !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like it!. it seems like its about something someone did that they'll regret for the rest of their life and they'll never forgive themself!. its very deep!. very good!. i think you just need to add to the very ending!. you should elaborate the "put into a roo" with another line!. other than that though, its greatWww@QuestionHome@Com