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Question: Emo poemish rate!?
I thought i knew
Over too fast
i thought i loved you
I forgot my past

You were my addiction
Hands in a fist
But i miss the friction
of blades on my wrist

i gave you
my last blade
but its true
it was a mistake

i miss the feeling
the red floods
from my wrists
my own blood

no cutting is stupid but my friend told my to try and write an emo poem so i didWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
thats an awesome but disturbing poem
very emo :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love emo poems!!!! i write emo poems myself so heres one u can have!. hope u like it!. =3

no more facking it!.!.!.!.!.remember when u said,we would spend our lives together,now so many things go through my head,what sort of pills should i swallow!? which way to slide the razor along my wrist!? because of ur liesu have made me so hollow,on the inside there is now nothing there,and all of this is becau,se,u simply did not care,well unfortunately i'm cutting this poem short,ur reading this with a tear falling down ur cheek,now i will be nothing more than a thought,with as many pills i can take and razorblade cuts on my wrists,this will be the last i will ever have to fake!.

i wrote this one a long time ago!.email me how u think of it ok!? see ya lataWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well I have experienced this!.

This is a beautiful poem!.
Although this is a sterotypical pem of "emo" it gives the more or less picture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

