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Position:Home>Poetry> What is the different between music and poetry?

Question: What is the different between music and poetry!?
Is music just poetry set to a beat!.!.!.!.or are they two separate entities!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lets call music "emo poetry"!.

Poetry is the art of words!. The best poets pick and choose their words because of the sounds they make and the feelings and emotions and meanings (actual and symbolic) that they convey!. A good poet writes about 4-6 lines a day, I've heard!.

Music is poetry with an added element to it - pure sound!. It still contains all the emotional components, and even the word meanings and everything that they convey, but it can also transmit the emotions of the words in an entirely different way and infinitely more intense way!.

Though the lyrics of some songs lack the depth of meaning that most poems have, no poem is accompanied by the sounds of a song!. Saying that "music is poetry to a beat" is a really reductionistic way of putting it, if you ask me, because it doesn't acknowledge the art of the sound!. It also raises up all the crappy lyrics we have to a level that is way beyond the level of simple words that a lot of them are!.

Real poetry is about words, many of which have double and triple meanings behind them, not about some heartthrob POS crying about how they lost some imaginary person that they "loved" without any understanding or reverence for the beauty and depth of meaning of the words that they use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In a lot of cases, music is simply an adaptation of a poem, or the other way around!. A lot of song lyrics can be read as a poem, and likewise, you can put music to a poem!.

Rap music (though many fail to consider this a style of music!.!.!. I would disagree) stands for R (Rhythm) A (And) P (Poetry)!. RAP!.

Not a new concept!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For the most part, music is some melodic sound (or noises that are put into a particular order and just sound nice)!. Poetry, on the other hand, are words that express the writer's thoughts, feelings, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

music= 1)GOOD!
ANYTHING really!

poetry= 1)super duper BORING!!!! =O (yawn)
2) depressing
4)never ever happyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Music is poetry set to music!.or the expression of words through music!.

Poetry is the speaking of ones heart or soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com