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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem help???? ...dnt know how to continue it....2 poems btw..?

Question: Poem help!?!?!?!? !.!.!.dnt know how to continue it!.!.!.!.2 poems btw!.!.!?
ok first one!.!.!.
with passion,with soul, with heart,
i tell you i love you
but even though were apart,
we both stay true,
but that dreaded day,
when cut my heart up into little inches,
i will never forget those little pinches,
when my skys turned gray,
and the floor beneath me gave way,
i thought you would of cuaght me,
but you didnt, you never bought me,
with your lies!.!.!.

2nd one !.!.!.both kinda same!.!.!.but the first one is sad second happy!.!.!.!.

with passion,with soul, with heart,
i tell you i love you
but even though were apart,
we both stay true,
three little words,
which mean the world to me,
when you speak them out of your mouth,
even god his self cant stop our love,
three little words which i will say again,
i love you!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
even the god himself can't stop our love,
three little words which i will say again,
i love you!.!.!.

but you lied!.
and i can't stop this chilling pain that's deep insideWww@QuestionHome@Com

The first poem talks about
two people who are in love
but it is not shown because there
are lies,
Not a good way to keep a friendship or
Resulting in heartache
which is sad!.

In the second poem
Is happier and more cheerful
I like the line that says I love you but
figured out the three words!.
That is good to stay true
I agree with the line
(just because you two are apart)
doesn't mean there aren't any feelings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

even god his self cant stop our love,
three little words which i will say again,
i love you!.!.!.but do you want my love!?Www@QuestionHome@Com