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Position:Home>Poetry> Obviously I don't feel like being at work today--wonder if the boss is spyin

Question: Obviously I don't feel like being at work today--wonder if the boss is spying on my internet traffic!?
In the Cubicle

In the cubicle, tiny file-box office
Semi-soundproofed cell, so unchrysalis like
I sit encased,
Reading memos
Answering phones
Twiddling pen and watching clock hands
Seemingly slower and lazier every day
As they perform their task as thanklessly as I…!.

In the cubicle, walls papered with charts & graphs
Important papers, meaninglessly urgent
Arranged by systems designed to impress
The Big-brother eye as it moves
Its piecing laser of threat
From box to box to box
Never acknowledging the human being inside…!.

In the cubicle, stuck with so many brothers and sisters
Slowly baking under fluorescent suns
Tapping our keys
Dialing our phones
Wondering if that paycheque at the end of the week
Is really payment enough…!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've spent to-day sitting on a deck-chair, crisply frying, listening to my iPod and then lazily pulling up the odd weed, returning exhausted to my deck-chair!. My dear one has just presented me with some bacon sandwiches and a cup of coffee!.
I thought this information might cheer you up a little!.

This is an excellent verse - freeform (which is ironic considering how regimented your working day appears to be)
but following a simple pattern to hold it all together!.
('In the cubicle' repetition)
With some great touches 'semi-soundproofed cell' I love alliteration - it must be the child in me!.
so unchrysalis like!.!.!.I sit encased!.!.!.!.!.!.unchrysalis like presumably because you aren't in the process of becoming a beautiful butterfly!
meaninglessly urgent!.!.!.!.how true (been there, got the T-shirt)
Slowly baking under fluorescent suns!.!.!.all lovely stuff!.

and in answer to your last wondering!.!.!.!.No, the pay cheque isn't enough!. You're a poet, with a poet's soul!.!.!.!.!.get out of there, now!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A poem filled with imagery to which I can relate!. I worked in a cubicle for more than three years!. Now, I telecommute and watch the waterfowl who bring me their young, the foliage coming to life, the boats loading with happy families and I am grateful to the Internet and even to Yahoo for renewing my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very good description of purgatory!.!.!.in 2003, Sheryl said, "You don't belong in an office environment anymore!. You stay home and write!."

5 years later, it's finally paying off!.!.!.I love ya', Babe!Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG, I love this poem!.

If you have not put a book of your poetry together, you should!.

You could use just your office poetry -- for "Yeah, Sure, Fun in the Office" or whatever!.

This is perfect -- again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow! What a life!.!.!.Thank God i don't have to work in cubicles!. I only work in lecture halls!. I can move around all over the hall and talk about whatever i want!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you ever see the movie Office Space!? At one point, a young man takes a screw driver and dismantles his cubicle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nice poem,
I liked it!

very nice,
keep up the great poetry!! :-DWww@QuestionHome@Com