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Position:Home>Poetry> How's you American Dream coming?

Question: How's you American Dream coming!?
Political Gain!?

Please forgive me my friends
I am red, white and blue like you
and like you, chasing the American Dream
riches, fame, adoration…the politician’s way!.

And NO, I never had sex with that woman
but the mission was accomplished…
I did land on the aircraft carrier after all!
As to the 90k in my freezer, I have no idea!.
How about if I just send you more pork!?

My war chest is full, my rich pension is set!.
So you think you scare me with “im” in front of peach!?
Bring it on my friends…let’s party on the courthouse steps!.
And when we’re done, well…I still have my 60 foot yacht!

The politician’s way…!.Ain’t America Great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We have the gravy train known as the European Community - and MP's who employ their sons an inflated salary to do damn all, and others who put payment for their television licence on their expense accounts, and have houses decorated with wallpaper costing £30!.00 a roll etc!. etc!. etc!.
And who vote themselves huge pay rises, whilst telling the population to tighten their belts and give below cost of living rises!. Mind you they do sometimes work until they are 70 - so they think it is okay to make workers of all kinds also work until they are 70 (miners, manual workers, postmen, milkmen) - I suppose there is a logic to that - they won't have to pay any pensions to them as they will all die before they get to the age to qualify!.
I'm not angry, I'm not bitter, I'm not giving up, I'm no quitter!.Ain't Britain Great!

Good poem!. Well said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Heard today, the gas companys keep buying reserve gas,
Congress called to stop them, until it goes down to $75!.00
a barrel, Bush does not agree for his various reasons!

America is great, Our leaders, another story!
Servants they are not, self serving they are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not only America!. It's the world!. Right now in Burma, the military has taken all the supplies and is not distributing them as people die of dehydration, hunger, and disease!. It's the powerful against the powerless!. Ain't Earth great!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ain't it the truth! Actually, we had/have a great country!.!.!.if we can but regroup!. Hopefully, it's possible!. And, now it looks possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL, i'm british!. Its very funny, and true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The dream has become a night terror!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's really great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ya got it down pat!Www@QuestionHome@Com