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Position:Home>Poetry> Meaning behind Badlands by Springsteen? lyrics posted?

Question: Meaning behind Badlands by Springsteen!? lyrics posted!?
This is one of my favorite songs, because of the beat!. Lately Ive been trying to pay more attention to the lyrics, but I'm at a loss as to what the main point of the song is!. Some lines are obvious, but as a whole itsover my head!.!.!.any help will be appreciated!.

Lights out tonight trouble in the heartland
Got a head-on collision smashin' in my guts man
I'm caught in a crossfire that I don't understand
but there's one thing I know for sure girl
I don't give a damn for the same old played out scenes
I don't give a damn for just the in betweens
Honey I want the heart, I want the soul, I want control right now
you better listen to me baby
Talk about a dream try to make it real
You wake up in the night with a fear so real
You spend your life waitin' for a moment that just won't come
Well don't waste your time waiting

Badlands you gotta live it everyday
Let the broken heart stand it's the price you gotta pay
We'll keep pushin' till it's understood and these badlands start
treating us good

Workin' in the fields till you get your back burned
Workin' 'neath the wheel till you get your facts learned
Baby I got my facts learned real good right now
you better get it straight darlin'
Poor man wanna be rich rich man wanna be king
And a king ain't satisfied till he rules everything
I wanna go out tonight I wanna find out what I got
I believe in the love that you gave me
I believe in the faith that can save me
I believe in the hope and I pray that some day it may raise me
above these


Mmmm mmmm mmmm!.!.!.
For the ones who had a notion a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
I wanna find one face that ain't lookin' through me
I wanna find one place I wanna spit in the face of these


Whoa whoa whoa whoa Badlands!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Badlands is about a guy who isn't getting what he wants out of life!. He's tired of the same old-same old and knows that there is something bigger out there!. He feels the his surroundings are holding him back and that the people around him are simply settling for living humdrum lives when they could be so much more - and he dislikes them because they don't strive for anything more!.

And he's not going to just settle in and be like them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Badlands--replaces the "heartlands"--a superficial place where, according to what he's learned, no one is content with what they have because they haven't experienced the fulfillment of pursuing a personal dream!. The dream--the hope--won't be realized if you simply wait for it to happen!. Be ready to be beat down, for your heart to be broken, by those who would take advantage of what success you glean from following your dream!. Keep following your heart; take strength in the fact that there are others still following their dreams--this is the place where you'll find the faces of people who SEE you and the gifts you have been given and, because they love their lives, will applaud and support your personal success!. Ya gotta have faith; it won't be easy, but if you hang tough and keep on a path that fulfills you, someday !.!.!.!.!.!.!.(well, one can hope, can't one!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh YAY I LOVE this song!.
Badlands is a song in my opinion about the working class man who because of his day to day life has more knowledge about life as a whole than the man surrounded by material goods!. Badlands is about the power of love and the overated pressures of money on people!. Badlands is for every man/women who comes home see's their family and thinks we may not have it all but were happyWww@QuestionHome@Com