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Question: A poem for my baby!?
What poem touched you, or is about a baby!. My Son Joshua was still born last year, i am making a scrap book, to help me deal with it!. And i am wanting to include poems, to read when i am down and for my other children too read too!.
I really think it will help us, but i cannot find any, i have wrote a personal one, but need some more!.
Any input no matter how small would be woderful thankyouWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
your my baby and i am your mum
i would feed you, and change your bum!.
God decided he needed you more
My love for you will only soar!.
Today, tomorrow and forever
I will stop loving you Never!.
In my arms you should be
Here with your siblings and me,
Until that day when we meet again
I love you my baby, i love you JoshuaWww@QuestionHome@Com

omg!. i never know when people are joking or not on here, but im going to trust youre telling the truth because i cannot begin to imagine how hard it must be for parents to come to terms with a still born child

your avatar is strikingly beautiful - no pun intended

heres a simple poem that i like, by an irish poet called paul muldoon!. hopefully you can take something from it

In the way that most of the wind
Happens where there are trees,
Most of the world is centred
About ourselves!.
Often where the wind has gathered
The trees together and together,
One tree will take
Another in her arms and hold!.
Their branches that are grinding
Madly together and together,
It is no real fire!.
They are breaking each other!.
Often I think I should be like
The single tree, going nowhere,
Since my own arm cannot and will not
Break the other!. Yet by my broken bones
I tell new weather!.

hopefully for you you will "tell new weather" soonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Time Well Spent

See tiny fingers and tiny toes,
Bright baby eyes, cute baby nose;
Hear baby gurgles and baby sighs,
As Mom and Dad sing lullabies!.

Life is changed, but that's okay;
It's fun to spend glad hours each day,
Taking time for all the good
That comes along with parenthood!.

By Joanna FuchsWww@QuestionHome@Com

this poem was written for my own son who died

like the smell of a rose or the wind in my hair
I may not see you but I know you are there
so rest in peace my little one
until the day when I shall come
and hold you in my arms again
know no more sorrow no more painWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know if this is too tough and I'm truly sorry if it is but it has surely given me great comfort and hope!. The last line is the real clincher!. "A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London"
You will find it here read by the author Dylan Thomas!.
undermilkwood!.net - CachedWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's not a poem, but the song by Babyface "The day" was dedicated to his wife and son!.!.I thought that was really cute!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com