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Position:Home>Poetry> Is poems sad (its more of a story then a poem) but still sad.?

Question: Is poems sad (its more of a story then a poem) but still sad!.!?
on the night that u told me that i was nothing but the silent wind in ur life, i felt like i was all alone in the world!. there was no greater pain then what u have said to me!. even pills couldn't cure my pain!. my heart took the blow and i'm ready to fall!. i'm ready to place this razerblade upon my wrist!. the blood is just a color, not the cure!. he has the cure!. to help me put my pices of my heart back together, or let me drow in my blood!. i wish he would have chosen to help, but he chose to let me die!. thats why i'm writting this story in my blood!. i'll ues the last drop of my blood to finish what i have to say to him!. `` because of u, i'm dead!. in this world were i wonder around this cool dead earth!. the blood upon my wrist is the way i feel for u!. i'm willing to die if it means losing u! ``

its sad and love at the same time!!! the title is blood upon my wrist!. ps i'm only 13 years old!. pss its it more poem then story!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is more of a story than a poem!. Usually poems do not consist of complete thoughts or ideas, and definitely not complete sentences!.

What you just wrote is more of a foundation of a poem, or like a pre-write!. You can simply turn this into a poem by using a unique style and by adding literary devices!.

If you would like to get a basic idea of what makes a poem, you may want to visit this link: http://www!.marilynsinger!.net/Goodpoem!.ht!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com