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Position:Home>Poetry> Can someone help me figure out the message of this poem?

Question: Can someone help me figure out the message of this poem!?
Can someone help me figure out the message of this poem!?
You don't have to tell me a lot!.!.!. just what you felt the poem is trying to say!.!.!.!.
thx to ppl who tryed to help :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the poem is hinting to the point how she never gets a break in life!.!.!.she lives life as a regular person who doesn't have the lucky or big moment come her way!.!.!.she's constantly waiting for it yet it doesn't happen!.!.!.also says that life isn't about big events in life!.!.!.it's simple ones such as realizing you lived life!.!.!.its not exactly like that but that's a lil of a basic of it or i think so!.!.!.lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Trisha has it! He's never going to be some big company executive, live in a mansion, or get his name in the paper!. But he finds joy and meaning in the little things of life; his "Wal-mart" life is just as important and meaningful as any other!.

Find joy and love in what you have rather than wishing for something you'll probably never have!. Live in the moment!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The message in the poem is that life happens when your not taking notice! A joke with a friend, lifting a child above your head!. rolling around the floor with your dog and noticing how blue the sky is on a sunny day! These are the things that you remember and mean the most!. Remember Citizen Kane and Rosebud!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok i read it and i cant figure it out i am really sorryWww@QuestionHome@Com