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Position:Home>Poetry> Here's a couple poems a wrote. do you like them? are they good? good or bad

Question: Here's a couple poems a wrote!. do you like them!? are they good!? good or bad comments i dont care!.!.!.!?
(Poem about abstact painting)

Mumbled, Jumbled
Mismatch, Dispatch
Art will tumble
Out of this batch
Onto canvas
Orange & Green
Making an explosive scene
Of colored lines

(i call this one What!?)

Corpulent cows and booger flicking fellows
Living in a world that is the opposite of mellow
John Hancock changed his last name to footpenis
But many historians must have not seen this
Big green marine licking lollipops and sewer pipes
My Tushy’s sore, rode long distance on a mountain bike
Mount Everest exploded; what came out was crème brulee
When it comes to the election, who I vote for will be John McCain
Even though he’s rather moderate on many of his issues
I’m not voting for Hillary, so my vote’s going to this dude
God it’s only Tuesday how long until the weekend!?
Does reading this poem make you think I’ve gone off the deep end!?
Ate some bad Taco Bell, got a weird feeling in my gut
As you read this poem you've got to be thinking!.!.!. What!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like the first poem alot!. With only a few words it brought a scene to my mind of an artist passionately flinging orange and green paint on a large canvas!. The poem is creative and imaginitive!. To 'paint' that picture so easily is impressive!.

Many lines of the second poem made me laugh!. I usually like an odd sense of randomness and freethought, but overall I thought it was slightly irritating!. No offense!.

The third poem is my favorite!. It's a real gem!. It is hilarious and also full of pathos, bringing the reader into the dreaded world of the dishwasher!. You definately have talent and a great sense of humor!. Keep it up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the first poem
with colors like orange and green mixed
I think of fingerpainting!.
also with the word imagination
I think of being creative
fingerpainting I meant painting
words like canvas
This one is artistic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ha ha the first poem is GREAT! It is exactly correct about abstract paintings! Nice work!Www@QuestionHome@Com