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Position:Home>Poetry> What is the meaning of Robert Hass' poem "Heroic Simile"?

Question: What is the meaning of Robert Hass' poem "Heroic Simile"!?
I had an idea that it was saying the bold statements made in imagination can be easily made in the simple aspects of real life!.
Of course, this is with no knowledge of what the middle two stanzas mean at all!. Please help me!. Here's where you can find the poem: http://www!.theatlantic!.com/doc/197610/he!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I liked this one!. It had references to a famous movie, references to an epic style writing, then Biblical references!. The references to the Samaurais - very famous Japanese movie with a tale of Samaurais and the moral dilemmas facing the characters!. Biblical ref's (on the third day!.!.!.!.!. on the seventh day!.!.!.!.)!. I can't quote a whole epic - Ilyad is a good ex!. It seems that during the poem, the character cuts a tree down, then chops it up!. The uncle soon joins him, and they both work together!. They bundle the wood, and are too wary/submerged in their own interests that they want to be careful if they do find someone to help haul it!. They sit around waiting for someone to tell them what to do next!. They don't have their answer, because the author of the poem hasn't thought of a way to haul it, nor has he even thought of where to take the wood to - he doesn't know where the peeps are from, anyway!. Basically, I think Hass is comparing himself to something like a hero!. He has to give the story a beginning, middle, and end, and doesn't because he can't think of ALL the details!. I think this way because of the last line "there are limits to imagination"!. Even if this does sound dumb, I liked the poem!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com