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Position:Home>Poetry> Does anyone know of three instruments that rhyme wih each other?

Question: Does anyone know of three instruments that rhyme wih each other!?
i need to know for a poem that i am wrtiing for school any instruments work thanx so much

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Tough one M-!. Could you maybe use musical terms rather than instruments!?

EDIT: After reading Classmate's ideas, trombone and saxophone -- xylophone and Sousaphone!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can think of pairs of instruments that rhyme -- flute and lute, trombone and saxophone, guitar and sitar -- but I'm drawing a blank on threesomes!.

I thought of Sousaphone, and I feel silly for not having though of xylophone!. The problem is that "identity rhymes" -- horn and horn, phone and phone, etc!. -- don't really count as rhymes in many people's estimation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Try these instruments from three different families:
1!. PICCOLO (woodwinds)
2!. CELLO (strings)
3!. GUIRO (percussion)Www@QuestionHome@Com

french horn
english horn
and a regular hornWww@QuestionHome@Com