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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you need a hard return in a poem?

Question: Do you need a hard return in a poem!?
the thing i am doing says I need a hard return between each paragraph to submit but a poem really doesnt have paragraphs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are correct, poems don't have paragraphs, they have stanzas!.!.!.but word processors don't know that and in order to ensure the proper blank line between stanzas, you need a "hard return", in other words, hitting the "enter" key to the word processor knows there is a forced line break there instead of break created by a line that extends beyond the logical edge of the page!. So, if it says you need hard returns between each "paragraph" to "submit" the poem, it means you need to do hard returns (hitting the enter key) between stanzas and at the end of blank lines so that the processor doesn't try to merge lines!. This is also necessary at the end of your lines where you want a line break!.!.!.it's just you need one at the end of the blank line as well in order to ensure the stanzas stay apart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A poem doesn't have paragraphs, it has stanzas!. These breaks need the hard return to create the paragraph break!.

Poetry doesn't necessarily have to have stanzas, but when you follow thoughts or jump from one to another, the break can be used very effectively!.Www@QuestionHome@Com