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Position:Home>Poetry> How is my poem? I don't mind criticism?

Question: How is my poem!? I don't mind criticism!?
I'd like to know your opinions!.

Tribute to the Feeble

The dreary path that lies before
It hosts itself a thousand souls
For which it keeps forevermore

It holds the tales of those left drowned in anguish
It is now my time to cross this bridge
Its waters below with tainted fish

The reflection in the water displays my past
The past is condemning in the eyes of the heart
Yet blind in the grief of the mind

The past holds its grip on the mouth of the river
Of dreams and bliss through which I row
The freedom I seek draws me hither

We are people of avaricious personalities
It is not of our nature to be forgiving
We are people of greedy generalities

The weaker of us are casted into the well
Left in a dismay of depression
Who will come to plead before Death’s knell
Seeking to settle their past regression

So I begin the journey into the distance
Leaving those lost in the regrets of the past
Whose sorrowful hearts hold no resistance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow! Very good! Keep up the good work! Your thinking is very deep!. So deep that I hope you are not depressed!. However, good writers are deep thinkers!. They have to be! They can't be shallow!. There are a few places I would suggest you work on a bit!. But since you are only 16, I think I would leave this poem alone and continue writing!. With each writing you will learn more and more!. Then, from time to time you will come back to your writings and critique the lines with which you are not pleased!. Any writer must learn professional techniques, which will come with time, while at the same time they write what interests them!. In my thoughts, for constructive criticism, it might be easier reading if you decide which lines you want to rhyme and keep it consistent throughout!. If you don't want rhymes, that is okay, too!. Be proud of yourself!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My goodness! You are only 16! Bravo my friend, bravo! You did amazing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's very good!.!.!.!.!.!.!.did you really write that!?
You obviously have a great talent for poetry writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very nice!. Do you have other things you have written!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its nice 5 starsWww@QuestionHome@Com