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Position:Home>Poetry> Which poem is better?

Question: Which poem is better!?
You can crush me
just seeing you puts me under pressure
you can destroy me
just touching you burns my skin

I fear you'll take advantage
because I'm so weak
I fear you'll seek something better
because I'm never enough

I don't know how you can accept me
but you almost make me feel wanted
I don't know how you can love me
but you almost make me feel loved

A word from you mouth
can break me in two
a touch from your skin
can make me drop dead

I'm too attached
I can't survive without you
I'm too emotional
I can't survive now you're gone
I've been living alone
In this glass world
I've created myself

But I care for it too much
And I fear that it will break
I'm afraid of making something I can not replace

Now it is shattering
This bliss has lasted too long
To see the light of day burns my eyes

I realize just how lonely I have been
Watching as others pass by
Analyzing their lives

But never understanding
A human emotion
I feel alive for the first time

And I rather be deadWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that you should think of names for the poems!.I think that the second one is better because I can visauly see the person in the poem!. In the first poem it is more foggy!. But both poem are quite great!. Keep up the great work:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

To tell you the truth, neither one appeals to me!. However if I must choose one my choice would be the first one on account of it seems void of the maudlin content you closed the second one with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are both pretty good but I like the second one
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( !. !.)

i like itWww@QuestionHome@Com