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Position:Home>Poetry> I just want to see if you agree with me or not....?????

Question: I just want to see if you agree with me or not!.!.!.!.!?!?!?!?!?
i just want to see if you agree with me or not!.!.!.!.
"it is easy to hate someone , but it is hard to love someone!."
so i did like to see if you agree or disagree!.
thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Katie is close to the truth on this one!.!.!.Love and Hate are very closely related!.!.!.in fact, I'd say that you can only truly hate something connected with someone you love!. If someone you love is injured or threatened by someone, you can truly hate that other person!.!.!.but no matter what the other person may have done to someone else, say a stranger, you may say you "hate" them, but what you really mean is that you hate what they have done!. On the other hand, if you love someone and they hurt you or betray you deeply, trust me, there is probably no greater hate you'll ever know than what you'll feel for them!.!.!.and this is a person who previously held your heart!. It is when we are most vulnerable, when we have the most "love" capital invested in something, that we stand the greatest risk of hate filling the void when it's departed!. It's also why you can both love and hate someone at the same time!. So, is it easy to "hate" someone!? I'd say "no", not really, because we use the word too often to mean "dislike" or "despise"!.!.!."hate" is far more powerful, and if you really do "hate" someone, you'll probably find a connection to someone you love whether they be the object of your hate or the person injured by the one you hate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Totally agree, but I would say that the two emotions are extremely similar: you could hate on principle (making it easy) but truly hating a peron (or truly loving) involves a lot of feelings for that person, whether negative or positive!.
They are connected emotions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Somehow I always thought it was easy to love and not very easy to hate someone!. It is a thought!.!.!.