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Position:Home>Poetry> Apoem for a never ending winter. How is is this?

Question: Apoem for a never ending winter!. How is is this!?
"fnally spring"

Winter wont leave me alone,
I disappeaed anf returned with
a vengence!.!.
May 12th snow flakes
torturing my knees!.!.
Spring had sprung all around,
then her mood shanged
like a spurned women!.Old man winters ovrstayed his welcome and its time for him to die once again!.
spring only comesonce a year,
but wipe out all fear,
Crocus, Liliies,, all sublime,
I felel love this time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is the best part:

"Spring had sprung all around,
then her mood shanged
like a spurned women!."

This is the worst:
Old man winters ovrstayed his welcome and its time for him to die once again!.
spring only comesonce a year,

Don't mention Old Man Winter, please!.!.!.!. it's a trope that need never be alluded to again!. Think of a different metaphor for winter!.!.!. "spurned woman" is EXCELLENT for spring reverting!

"snow flakes torturing my knees" HOW did they torture your knees!? When I think of snow flakes I think of little cold pin pricks, a chinese water variety of torture or something!. Convey what you mean specifically!.

"returned with a vengeance" -- Die Hard!. This is lazy writing!.

But I love the part about spring, and I think the ending is a nice twist!. Work on this and post again!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the cold dreary winter , eagerly waiting for spring; only when it appears briefly winter overtakes it once again!. Springs comes and this time flowers and warmth brings love!. So gratifying !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very unique poem for spring!. Great lovely,beautiful and lively like lillies!.!.!.!.i love flowers and lillies best!.U R POET OF ALL THE TIMES!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lots of literary devices!.!.very good :DWww@QuestionHome@Com