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Position:Home>Poetry> What does 'emo' mean?

Question: What does 'emo' mean!?
I have seen this expression often on the poetry page (I've even used it myself) but I don't really know what it means!.!.!.does it stand for 'emotion'!? And why do some young, and not so young, poets repeatedly create poems with this theme!? Is life so awful for them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is short for emotional!. I believe it started out as a music genre and basically now has become another "label!."

I found these websites that have a good definition/description:

It's actually quite scary!. It's a fad that has evolved from the Punk/Goth movement and now they are calling themselves "Emo" which like the others have stated refers to "Emotional"!. Normally, I wouldn't care because a fad is a fad!. These kids think they are being individuals by coloring their hair black and then not washing it, wearing thrift store clothes, wearing a scarf and listening to dark, angsty music!. However, as harmless as this fad seems, it also includes cutting and mutilation which is why it is scary!. Now, aside from all this, the word "Emo" is being tossed around the poetry site because there are a lot of dark and emotional poems!. However, I find this ridiculous since poems are typically emotional, but not always dark!. So, basically, if someone refers to a poem as "Emo" then they are saying it is emotional!.

I recently discovered that one of my favorite bands is considered "Emo" and that is why I had to look it all up!.
Apparently I like "Emo" music, but I worry about the kids who think they need to hurt themselves to fit in!. I'm sure most don't cut, but there are those who feel that they need to be part of something so bad that they are willing to go to the extremes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just to chime in and add to the above!. Emo, when used by someone who considers themselves to be of that ilk, is a movement/clique they are proud to belong to, and is worn as a badge of honour!. To most "normal" people it is a snub, something to turn your nose down upon, an inferior, and unimaginative poet/musician/person who has no real identity of their own, just what is written in the Emo bible (whatever that is)!.

Personally, I fall into the second camp!. But as, in general, these folks labled as Emo are predominately teenagers, they'll grow out of it!. Put another way: they'll grow! That's the most positive thing I can say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Now that you know what emo is, I have this comment to make!.
When most people apply this emo tag to critique of poetry, they usually say it is TOO EMO!. It's a put down, not a compliment, and usually comes from someone who has no idea what poetry is or should be, and definitely does not understand emotional literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually meaning someone who is very emotional!.!.!.people believe these people cut themselves which is only true of a minority of them!.!.!.most of the people who cut themselves are only ones who are emo wannabe's um not all of them listen to "emo" music or dress in dark clothes although a majority of them do!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Emo is the abbreviated form for emotional!. Emo's are filled with anguish and express it through music, poetry, and behavior!. Sometimes, it is just a fad!. Sometimes, it is very deeply rooted in the person's personality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Emo stands for emotional
it is a lable for a new genre for sad, lonely, whiney!. usually towards goth/punk kids because of all the black and the whiney music they listen toWww@QuestionHome@Com

Emo is the new way to say, "I feel cheated!. I don't have debilitating diseases or cruel parents!. How am I going to be cool if all I have is normalcy!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know i do know that is have something to do with the emo-tions and i think it s sadWww@QuestionHome@Com

it comes from the genre on music known as emotional rock, people that have taken on the fasion of the bands that play this type of music are known as emo'sWww@QuestionHome@Com

Emotionally Retarded Individual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thanks! I learned something today!
Now back to the garden!.!.!.!.it never ends!. (I love it!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Emo, must be a cockney thing! I don't use it!Www@QuestionHome@Com