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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like these? It's how I deal with problems.?

Question: Do you like these!? It's how I deal with problems!.!?
I'm a 15 year old girl that's kinda ****** up, so these may suck but they help with deal with things!. Can I have your opinions!?

You Didn't Want Me

I think about you every night and day

Wondering if I meant anything more to you than just a lousy lay
I want to be with you
That's all I want to do
But you made it clear you didn't want me
With you is all I want to be
It's tearing me apart inside
So I'm going to go for a ride
And since I can't be with you
I will never come back
And after you find my body, just throw it in a ******* sack

Never Again

I will never again try to give myself to someone completely
I tried and look how far it got me
So now I'm swimming in the sea
Contemplating what's to be
Wondering if I should stay
Or if I should die, and leave you think about the game you decided to play
I'll never have the chance but I love You is what I'd say

Would You!?

I wonder what I should do
Wondering if I'd kill myself if you'd go too
I love the fact that I have the choice to willfully end my life
But the question is, do I do it with a gun or a knife!?

Here I Go

I was supposed to see you
I can't see you anymore
So I'm going to walk out the door
I'm never going to come back
Because I can't see you
Now watch what I'm going to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The poems I write when I need relief are angry and bitter!. Yours sound slightly more suicidal, although I did write one about a woman who killed herself and what those last months must've been like!.!.!. helps to get it all out on paper sometimes!Www@QuestionHome@Com