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Position:Home>Poetry> 2 short poems I wrote?

Question: 2 short poems I wrote!?
For sun soaked sand
and a dream forgotten
I toil at twilight with no end in sight!.
Now the beams creep through the shutters and I see I'm not alone!. The whole world toils with me, and I dream for a brighter tomorrow!.

This is just how its done!.
We write like this on purpose!.
ABA can be so much fun!.
I hope poets don't usurp us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I get several poetry ideas here, and in no particular order!.!.!.
( 1!.) The sun in the first is brightly soaking sand and you
dream in the last of brightness!.
( 2!.) The middle poem ventures into an inner chamber of
creeping twilight where you and the world toil!.
( 3!.) So you have some juxtaposition of light and dark!.
But there is no direction in your poem!.
Say what you mean!.

Prose is not poetry!. Sure you may write a good set of sentences!. But poetry succinctly describes our feelings and the world!.

Lead the reader from one feeling to the next with purpose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very nice i like it!Www@QuestionHome@Com