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Position:Home>Poetry> What does my poem mean to you? Is it good?

Question: What does my poem mean to you!? Is it good!?
Don't try to stick me in a box!.
Don't try to make me anything i'm not!.
Don't expect me to go out
and try to please the crowd!.

I wont be your doll,
or your little puppet girl!.
I have no strings attached!.
This girl you can't control!.

I am me!.
Thats all i'll ever be!.
I will never change myself
just to please the crowdWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
very good poem! to me it seams the poem is saying that you are who want to be and nothing others do to you an change it!. basicly you are your own person!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well it's very obvious in what it's saying!. However there is little poetic beauty here!. But then I know it wasn't trying to achieve that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like you poem it reminds me of the book Bronx Masquerade by Nikki GrimesWww@QuestionHome@Com