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Position:Home>Poetry> What does my poem mean to you? Can you comment on it?

Question: What does my poem mean to you!? Can you comment on it!?
Cupid pierced my heart
With one violent release
He left the arrow there in parts
That I can never put in one whole piece
I can't tear out the shattered fragments
Without damaging my soul
And I am disabled to ever let you go!.
I only wish that that one arrow
Would only go in and then out
So that I would not have to shout
My pain and grief
But you will never hear a sound!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
wowzers! this one is way better:)*thn the last one ya showed me:)*
this one is good!. i love the rhyming words and i actually understand it:)
i like the part where it says*"I only wish that that one arrow
Would only go in and then out"
:D nicely doneWww@QuestionHome@Com

From it I get:
Boy mets girl, falls madly in love!.!.!.
Girl leaves, taking boys heart along,
He is upset and still in love, but the girl is uncool and indifferent, so she does not see his suffering!.

Awesome, deep poem, except for the line "And I am disabled to ever let you go!."
Maybe if you replace disabled with unable!.
Otherwise, really excellente poem!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

is that u r poem!? so nice,Www@QuestionHome@Com