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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like my new poem? I call it "Buried Alive"?

Question: Do you like my new poem!? I call it "Buried Alive"!?
Another day ends,
Another journey without friends,
I look at a hundred faces pass me by,
But at the end of the day not even one stops to say hi!.

Is this life a trap,
Where I Am lost without a map,
What did I do to deserve all the guilt,
Wont this feeling stop until I Am killed!.

I feel my heart, its so cold and hollow,
Where can I find love!? Who should I follow,
I see everybody having such perfect lives!. They dont understand me,
Oh, why cant they see,
Trapped inside my own hell which I have created out of hate,
I guess this is my fate!.

There is a puzzle know as life,
Wrapped in guilt and sealed up tight,
By the time we figure out how to put this puzzle together,
Life will be gone altogether!.


Do u like it !? Rate it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its amazing, beautiful, dark!.!.

I could go on and on!.

Depression is such rewarding fuel for poetry, and I must say, you are a great writer!.


Freak Show:
I would say the first 4 lines
would be known as stressed
because of no friends!.
As a result you feel lost
Then there are mixed up
views like people are blind because they can't
see you!.
People pass by without saying hi
You are heartbroken
Now I get this people can't see you
because you are buried but still aliveWww@QuestionHome@Com


its amazing!!! !.!.!.am speechless

A STAR!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that is so brilliant!. You wrote it so beautifully and made it easy to relate to yet personal, I really love it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Amazing poem!. You are an excellent poet!. I think that sad/depressing poems have more feeling to them and overall I prefer them so this is the style that I like!. Keep writing!!!!!! 100000/100000Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's KOOL and it's DARK!. U r a good writer!.

5/5 :}Www@QuestionHome@Com

that was really good! you really are a talented writer!! 11/10!Www@QuestionHome@Com