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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you prefer constructive criticism or...?

Question: Do you prefer constructive criticism or!.!.!.!?
Often, I have noticed that when people post poetry and ask for comments, there are two kinds of responses!. Some folks offer what they feel is constructive criticism!. Others simply give a high five of support for the writer!. I think both are valuable personally, but I notice a lot of "thumbs down" or even direct attacks against those who do provide constructive criticism!.

My question is: what is preferred here!? Do poets really just want the positive support without any suggestions to improve the poem!? I'm asking honestly; I don't want to give unwanted tips if that's not what is desired!.

Thanks in advance for the feedback!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i always ask for contructive criticism!. i can't get this from people i know personally, because friends always say "oh yeah it's great"!. so i post on here in the hope of getting real critique!. i make sure i write the question accordingly - e!.g!. "can i hear some comments/critique for this poem!?"

there are, however, some who just want praise and, as you put it, high-fives of support!. these are usually identifiable by questiosn such as "do you like my poem" or "rate my poem"!.

usually, you have to judge for yourself in each question!. if you're unsure, maybe it's best to skip it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I post poems, I want constructive criticism!. The nice comments are welcomed as well!.!.!.!.but basically I want to be told if anything sounds out of place, needs more imagery, etc!.

The comments I don't like are "
"You suck, don't quit your day job, you're a lousy writer, etc!."

If you can't find anything about my poem that you like or can help me with to make it better, then move on because what one person thinks is crap, might make another's day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really care so much at getting better at poetry!. It's just a stress reliever for me!.

So with that under consideration, I prefer hearing OTHER people's COMMENTS on WHAT I said in the POEM!. THOUGHTS, IDEAS, OPINIONS, and so forth!.

Even if they didn't catch what I meant at all, it's still nice to hear what they got out of it!. I do love poetry and writing after all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would usually depend on the poet, i myself prefer constructive criticism and have even said i only want strictly criticism on a few of my poems when i post!. What i figure is, hearing I'm a good poet isn't going to make me a great poet!.

7 days without soccer makes one weakWww@QuestionHome@Com

I welcome constructive criticism!. Comments like "WOW," or "ur a great poet," do little to help me improve my work!. If someone wishes to make a positive response, I prefer to know WHY he/she found the poem interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on the writer!. Some of them want the constructive critisim!. others just want positive support and then yet others are okay with both!.!.!.Personally as long as you're not being rude to me then I don't care what you say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I prefer comment, hence I ask: Care to Comment!. But I do like CONSTRUCTIVE criticism!. It never hurts, and for the most part helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

usually there are thumbs down is cause other people want their answer to be best answer, thats usually it!.

but youre also right where the poets want others to say that there work is "great"Www@QuestionHome@Com