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Question: Poem! Read! Review!? Love!?!!?!!?
This is a poem i wrote about a soldier, I'll be posting the sequel to it immediately afterwards so please read both and tell me what you think!

I fought through hell
I fought through fire
I fought for years
and did not tire

And now at last
i've made it back
to claim the things
in life i lack!.

Alas the street
i used to know
is boarded up
and sunk in snow

The house that once
was my domain,
a tattered symbol
of my pain!.

It took me years
to track you down
a thousand names
a thousand towns

and here at last
i find you wed
a daughter, son,
my words unsaid!.

I left you once
to shield your eyes
and save you from
their pain and lies

and now my gun
my only friend!.
it seems a fitting
way to end

War has stole
away my wife
and now at last
it claims my lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What a brilliant piece, how clearly and beautifully it shows the way war steals everything from us!. This poem, with its short, to the point phrases is so poignant in its use of the most simple but complex of raw human emotion!. I was particularly taken with the last two stanzas, they were just so straightforward in their wording, yet so very strong and emotional!. This is a magnificent poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i've read it and it's great can't wait to read the sequel i'm guessing it's as good as this one!Www@QuestionHome@Com