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Position:Home>Poetry> Math... is a jerk-- ode to school?

Question: Math!.!.!. is a jerk-- ode to school!?
im stuck in EOC week and i got bored of studying so i wrote this!.!.!. rate it sure its not that good just feelings haha =)

i climb on the bus
cause i really must
get to school
and take a test
my teachers a tool
still i try my best

school is really boring
world studies you start snoring
sitting, and just waiting,
clock ticking, brain fraying
waiting for the final bell
finally out of the jail cell

but end up home
piled high in homework
i start to moan
math is a jerkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
lol, I do like it, and I agree!. math was my worst subject in high school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com