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Position:Home>Poetry> Write me a poem, go on a funny one cheer me up!!?

Question: Write me a poem, go on a funny one cheer me up!!!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
there was an old lady called sally
who went for a walk down an alley
she fell on some stones
and broke all her bones
and now all her limbs don't tally

just made that up,what do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

every day
i hear you say
that it there has to be another way
to say hello!
Gutenta, Aloha, Konichiwa, or Sazoza!
Hi and hello are too plain,
they're 'bout as nice as falling rain!.
So try, please, i ask, i say,
to say hello another way!
It would really make my day,
say hello another way!
"Hip Hip Hip Hooray!."
Now theres a muchly much better way
To say hello, you've made my day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's you on Yahoo having a good time,
asking others to give you a line,
reading mine you'll feel like a tit,
or maybe you'll be having a laughing fit,
but one things for sure,
when you read some more,
this'll be the last time you ask for a rhyme!

Yeah - I was never good at poetry lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There was a woman called mummikins,
looking for summat to put it in,
then when she found it
she sat down beside it
but forgot what to put in t'tinWww@QuestionHome@Com

There once was a man from Brazil
Who swallowed a dynamite pill
His heart retired
His **** backfired
And his balls shot over a hillWww@QuestionHome@Com

Mary had a little lamb
She tied it to a pylon
Three million volts shot up its leg
And turned its wool to nylon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

jim dilll
from harmony hill
has never sh*t
and never willWww@QuestionHome@Com