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Position:Home>Poetry> Have you seen the aftermath of a storm?

Question: Have you seen the aftermath of a storm!?
I looked out the window before dawn this morning and wrote of what I saw:

Requiem for a Tree
by Elaine P

Huge red maple, crushed and torn,
robin’s nest blown far away,
though I am here, safe and warm
no chicks will fledge this May!.

What has happened to our home:
tornadoes, tsunamis, drought,
oceans seethe with toxic foam,
what is this all about!?

Who cares if one more tree should fall,
one more robin’s nest destroyed!?
that all God’s creatures great and small
to cities are deployed!?

I ask you please to raise your voice
in prose, poetry or song
if soon we do not make a choice
we will not be here for long!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Elaine, this is so beautiful, sad, and true!. We do need to make some choices!. I just hope that we are not too late and that people will begin to listen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have been inspired, and I am now going to raise my voice in the form of a question!.
Sorry to hear about your tree -- trees are awesome, but I'm glad to hear you survived the storm!.
My birds were going crazy yesterday morning!. Half jokingly I told my kids it meant a tornado was coming!. About four hours later one did, not too close though, just close enough to listen to the sirens for two hours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very well put!. Just remember that wind and fire and ice are part of the "Plan"!. And, as the one responder mentioned, many maples planted in cities are poor choices for long-term trees!. Others would be fine, but they aren't as pretty!.

Go out there and replant, young person, to enjoy in your dotage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unfortunately maples are a classic example of all show and not much for root stock!. We found the same a few years back, I actually watched the slow bow to the winds of the tree in its final dance!. Mesmerizing!. Your voice speaks well a call to tend to our large garden!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah, Mother Nature, Don't fool her she storms!
Your poem is lovely, other then the last line, only to my way of thinking of course!. Prayfully if we keep planting, God will keep
the forrests growing!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow! amazing huh! you probably love nature!.!.!.!. ^_^

Keep it uP!!

God Bless you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Earth is only one stone on a gravel road from Argentina to Alaska!. God handed the keys to reckless children and his insurance is LIABILITY ONLY!.

There's a converb in there!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beautiful poem, beautiful message

I will raise my voice in poetry and prose!.!.!.we all shouldWww@QuestionHome@Com

Your poem is the cycle of life!. We continue!. We replace!. We are reborn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've been out to-day to Bridgnorth on the River Severn!. At the top of the cliffs there is a huge tree - just outside a garden area where there is the remaining wall of a castle built by Richard II (I think that's what the sign said)!.!.!.some time in the 1700's!. The castle is ruined, the tree which was probably there at the same time is fit and well, and thriving!.
We may not always be here, but (hopefully) the natural world will!.!.!.!.I like that thought!.
Sorry, forgot to critique your poem - you are certainly breaking away from structured poems - and the informality suits you!. May take up your challenge!.!.!.!.but, for now I am going to sit in the sun and enjoy the day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com